Fall is a season beloved by many for reasons such as the food, scenery or even the music. Many songs remind people of the season through their melody, timbre and other musical qualities even if the lyrics do not entirely relate to autumn. What better way to add to one’s already great fall experience than to introduce a whole new soundtrack? Here are 5 autumn-like songs that one may or may not already be familiar with.

Dark Red by Steve Lacy
“Dark Red” is unanimously deemed to be the autumn song. In this track, Lacy expresses his growing concern about losing his partner; he describes an abstract feeling that makes him feel like “something bad is about to happen”. Though the thought consistently plagues his mind, he is not actually sure that there is a problem in the relationship, even stating that it may all be in his head. The song title directly relates to Lacy’s worries as dark red lipstick is commonly worn to show one’s willingness and desire to get over someone; it is implied that his suspicions began when his partner started to wear dark red lipstick. Although it is likely related to the fact that “Dark Red” gained traction in the autumn of 2021, many can agree that this song will always remind them of fall.

Anywhere But Home by SEULGI
“Anywhere But Home” is a b-side on SEULGI’s first mini-album, “28 Reasons”. SEULGI is the main dancer and lead singer of the well-known Korean girl group, Red Velvet. The track is laid-back and is the perfect addition to anyone’s fall playlist. SEULGI expresses her desire to be taken “anywhere but home” in the song. She yearns to experience new things and leave everything she has behind: “On this night I want to leave without any plans, please take me anywhere but home.”

Show Me How by Men I Trust
“Show Me How” describes the one-sided and painful experience of falling in love with a friend. Although everything seems fine at first, there is only a matter of time till one realizes their romance was unrequited and all in their head: “But then I understand, the friend I’m dreaming of is far away and doesn’t feel my love but I do, I do.” Although the song is one of the slower tracks on this list, every autumn playlist needs a good balance between upbeat and soft tracks.

Looking Out For You by Joy Again
“Looking Out For You” is once again, another song about unrequited love. “I guess I should stop looking out for you like I always do. When will you start looking out for me, too, instead of leaving me staring at my shoes?” The upbeat and cheery sound of the song misleads the listener, making them believe that the song is a happy one. Nevertheless, as the song progresses, listeners understand that the lyrics are dedicated to a girl in a relationship who will never love the singer in the same way that the singer loves her: “This is a love song for a girl who will never know it’s about her, I know it’s pretty stupid but I’m much too shy to tell her.” The song gained popularity on TikTok in late 2021, forever making it an autumn playlist staple.

All Too Well by Taylor Swift
“All Too Well” describes the remnants of a past relationship, revisiting the now-painful memories of what was once a beautiful thing. “This is arguably one of Taylor Swift’s best songs and it just screams fall,” remarks Nabiha Tahseen, a student at RH King and avid Taylor Swift listener. “From the bright leaves in the short film to the ‘autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place’ in the lyrics, the song just gets you in the mood to jump into a big pile of leaves even though you know it’s not as fun as it appears on TV.” Is any fall playlist really complete without a Taylor Swift song?
To discover more tracks like these, check out KVC’s autumn playlist:
Priyanka • Oct 23, 2023 at 12:35 pm
Amazing article Nikita!