The fantastic Halloween fashion show organized by KSC was full of spooky, hilarious, and chic costumes. From A floor to D floor, the halls were filled to the brim with costumes. In terms of the fashion show, Popsmoke won first, Men in Black second and Breaking Bad cast third. Here are just a few of the best ones from today!
PopsmokeTannei Sarker – Daddy Pig from Peppa PigClaire Lalonde – Jesse Pinkman from Breaking BadAngelica, Vanessa and Calvin – Men in BlackHimanshi Kumar – Housewife that killed her husbandRhiannon Carr – CarrieArithri – O’hare from The Lorax Nureen – Tengen Uzui from Demon SlayerAfnan, Harrison, Varun and Niloy – Ice Spices’ Ms. Munir – Unicorn
Fiel Del Valle and Mahishya Kanheswaran – Mario and LuigiAva Snucins – Walter White from Breaking BadClaire Taylor – MinionSahana, Safia and Nanjiba – Frat boy, finance bro and bad boyElena and Phoebe – Angel + Devil