A little girl is locked away in the back of my mind
Hidden from everyone and sometimes even I can’t find her
In a big room with pink walls that she can’t change
And a soundproof door
She used to cry and scream for me to let her out
To help her
To hug her and say it was going to be okay
Used to claw at those pink walls and beg me to listen
To save her
But I didn’t
Instead pushed her and that pink room farther away, deep, deep down
where I could no longer hear her
After a while I forgot she was there
Forgot her face, voice, and name
It was as though she never existed
Of course she came back
Without warning or notice
She came back, so did the hurting
Foolish to think I could ever rid her from my mind
To think there would ever be a time when I could have peace
The only way I could ever get rid of her would be to kill her
But that would mean killing myself