Hey King! After these past few months of tiresome studying, the winter break is at your doorstep! It is the time of year when students can spare some time to focus on their well-being before the exam period. After all, a healthy mind is particularly important to do well on any exam. Without further ado, it is time to find out what King students are doing over the holiday break and what they are most excited about.
Lana Zeaiter, a grade 10 student, describes what appears to be a very well-rounded usage of the winter holidays. “This break, I’m going to deep clean my room, study for exams, and binge-watch shows and Christmas movies,” Zeaiter says.
Students typically have trouble getting enough sleep during school days. Some people like to get more sleep on their days off to make up for the sleep they lost. Grade 11 student Olivia John says, “I’m looking forward to sleep, sleep, and more sleep.” Another student says, “I’m going to sleep, study for my exams, and hang out with friends.” Adequate sleep keeps the mind fresh and alert, which is essential for students as their brains are in a constant stage of absorbing new knowledge.
Some are relieved to finally see friends they have not seen in a long time and make up for months of missed hangouts. “I’m looking forward to meeting my friends who live far away, as this is the only time when we get to hang out and have proper conversations face to face,” says Gelnar Hammoud, a student in grade 12.
Winter break allows families to engage in meaningful conversations and spend quality time with each other. “During the break, my family and I can spend more time together just chatting, something I don’t get to do much of during school days,” adds Hammoud. Students can also catch up with older siblings who return home for the break and spend time with younger siblings over the holidays.
There are others who are relieved to be able to use their holidays to get ahead with their studies so that when school gets busier after the break, they will have fewer things to worry about. Grade 10 student Shayaan Alam seems to have similar priorities. “I’m going to read Macbeth for my English class (it’s always better to be ahead), study for exams, spend time with friends and family, and try to get enough sleep,” she says.
Spending more time on hobbies, visiting family and friends, and prioritizing everything that matters—the holidays make it all possible. The most important thing is to take care of one’s mental well-being, engaging in activities that are relaxing while also taking care of pressing matters. Students here intend to do exactly that. Here is a reminder to relax and enjoy yourself during this cozy season. Have a cheerful winter break, King!