Sports at King: Intramurals excitement

December 5, 2022

Sports are back at King! For most exclusive sports, tryouts are held. This includes cuts and sometimes the disappointment of not making a team. With intramurals, it’s a different story. 

Intramurals, when students create a team to come and compete against other student-made teams for the winning title. Students get to play on a team of friends of all different skill levels for a competitive game. The first intramural basketball game begins this week. 

I’m super excited to see the other teams and how they play! It’ll be fun to play teams that are just other students!” Says one student when discussing intramural basketball.

Teams were quick to be made, and the schedule was posted to King’s Athletic Council Instagram account, @king.athletes. First games will be held Tuesday December 6th. 

“I’m so excited for the return of KAC’s highly anticipated Intramurals! This school event is an amazing way to bring students together in a friendly competition and bond through cooperation.” Says grade 11 student, Tatyana Wong. “It demonstrates R.H. King’s bright school spirit and shows how enthusiastic our students are when it comes to teamwork. Intramurals is exactly the event King students need in order to relieve their stress and have some fun before the break.” 

As schools have brought back normalcy, intramural sports are leaving students ecstatic to be back in play!

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