Tamil Heritage Club in their cultural attire during cultural day in May 2022.

Tamil Heritage Club: the inclusion of Tamil students in the community

November 5, 2022

The Tamil Heritage Club (THC), is known as a social club here at R.H. King Academy. The club consists of a group of students that strive to create a significant impact by spreading the Tamil language and culture among R.H. King. They aim to provide a space in which King students have an opportunity to learn more about their own roots or the background of their peers. 

The goal of this club is to create change by spreading Tamil culture while breaking stereotypes and enlightening the student body about the roots of Tamil culture. The club is run by four Grade 12 students, including Mithuna Thayaparan, Janani Saravanan Krishnaveni, Nithuya Thayaparan, and Janani Ravindrakumar.

The meetings for this club happen every Thursday after school. A group of students get together to plan for events and sessions that implement the knowledge of Tamil culture. There are over 100 ambitious students in the club. They have a series on Instagram (@rhk_thc) featuring their first series, Thamizhin Thoduvaanam. This series showcases the many talents of THC members. Additionally, they are able to donate enough money to support the education of two students in Sri Lanka.

There is much to say when it comes to the Tamil Heritage Club. Many dedicated members help and work together to make the many events possible. Here is what a member has to say: “I really enjoy THC. It is an amazing way to make friends, and connect with others. I am really looking forward to the events that are soon to be hosted by this club”. (Grade 10 King student).

If you are interested in joining the Tamil Heritage Club, join the meetings at the library every Thursday after school. Meetings end at 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, please DM and check out their Instagram: @rhk_thc

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