How to get out of a mental slump

March 7, 2022

A mental slump is something many, if not all students have experienced. But how many actually know what it is, and how to get out of it? 

Mental slumps are a period of time when one may feel unmotivated, depressed, unproductive and easily irritable. This can occur as a result of excessive stress due to causes such as an extreme workload, assignments that keep piling up and more. Common symptoms to hint at a mental slump include but aren’t limited to, fatigue, no matter how much sleep one may get, increased intensity and commonness of headaches, easily lashing out at others, and loss of confidence and drive for school. 

Grade 10 student Diana Balko explains how being in a mental slump can make one feel. “Mental slumps suck, I feel gross and unproductive. I usually just do the things I’ve been saving like a face mask, bath bombs, candy then I make a schedule for the next day and sleep.”

It’s important to recognize ways to avoid a mental slump, to ensure a healthy relationship with school and oneself. Changing one’s lifestyle to introduce more positive habits is a great way to build up walls to protect oneself and get out of a mental slump. 

Good habits to establish into one’s lifestyle include:

Making time to enjoy hobbies – It is extremely important to take breaks from school and work, and a way to enjoy said breaks is by refreshing by doing things one loves

Practice self-care – Self-care is a great way to unwind and relax while doing something beneficial for oneself. Whether it be a face mask, a bath or even journaling, self-care is key to introduce into one’s weekly schedule

Get good exercise – As much as fitness and exercise may seem tiring, it is actually good for the brain as it reduces stress, anxiety and is energizing

With that being said, taking care of oneself is crucial to prevent and avoid mental slumps, but that doesn’t mean they’re not normal. It happens to nearly everyone, but knowing what makes one’s self feel refreshed and reenergized is key to minimizing chances one a mental slump occurring.

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