KLC Instagram
The rise of Reels
December 15, 2020
Many clubs and councils at R. H. King have incorporated the Reels feature on Instagram as a way to promote their initiatives and engage with students.
The Reels feature allows creators to upload multi-clip videos up to fifteen seconds long with audio (original or from an existing library), AR effects, and text/images.
Due to the pandemic, many student organizations started late and had to modify their structures, but they have still been finding creative ways to share their work with both virtual and in-person students.
Almira Kagzi is a grade eleven student at R. H. King Academy and the vice-president of the King Library Council which was one of the first groups that decided to start using Reels this year, “We tried to find ways to connect with students online, as we wanted people to see that KLC is as active as ever. Instagram is our biggest platform and Reels have become super popular, so we thought of using both to our advantage. We also wanted to engage the council in something new, as being online meant having to take away some initiatives we usually do throughout the year. The Reels are a way for members to show their personality and just have some fun!” says Kagzi.
King’s Library Council (KLC) has produced more than a dozen Reels, some of which have reached more than a thousand views. The posts are generally short videos which recommend books on topical themes or take part in popular trends. King Wellness Council (KWC) has started a series of Reels going into the winter break including gift wrapping tips and holiday recipes to take the place of their regular holiday bake sale.
Both councils’ posts have been well received, “The Reels have definitely gotten attention and the feedback has been extremely positive. Everyone loves the different themes (obviously related to books) we come up with every week and through Reels, the school also gets to meet the many members we have.” continues Kagzi.
The Reels feature has many settings designed to make the user experience more friendly. ‘Timer and Countdown’ allows creators to shoot hands free videos, ‘Align’ is used to create seamless transitions (a type of video editing trick which was popularized on the social media giant TikTok), and ‘Speed’ can change the speed of part or all of the video/audio.
It is difficult to determine exactly why the Reels feature has become such a popular and effective tool. Perhaps it’s because the short-form video content appeals to the attention spans of younger generations, or because it combines the familiarity of TikTok trends and videos with the diverse array of other features available on Instagram. Overall, Reels is a fun way for students to keep up with what councils are doing and show support for the hard work of their peers.
To check out some of the KLC and KWC Reels, follow them on Instagram at @rhkinglibrary and @rhkingwellness respectively.