King after COVID-19: What has changed?
November 15, 2020
Going to school can seem both dreadful or exciting, depending on how one likes it. Attending class after class every day seems normal. However, as Covid moved into our lives, this has all changed.
The new coronavirus has impacted the daily life of many individuals, specifically students. Because it is highly contagious, schools have had to take a few steps they did not want. Like all other schools across Ontario, RH King Academy has had to make a few important decisions regarding how the school system would work, shaping how King is progressing today.

The secondary school system has introduced the quadmester system, a new way of learning, in which students are required to attend school on alternate days depending on which cohort they are assigned. Though students were given the option to opt for online schooling, many chose to stick with hybrid learning.
Shannon Yu, a grade twelve student at RH King Academy, enjoys the new way of attending school and appreciates it, “I enjoy the quadmester schedule very much! Though I found it a bit confusing when it was first introduced, I got used to it as I started to settle into it. Although the semesters are short and quick, it is nice to see familiar faces,” Yu says.
Though many students may agree with Yu’s opinion, not everyone shares the same perspective. Akarsa Chelvarajah, another grade twelve student at RH King Academy, finds quadmesters to be a bit taxing. “So far, my experience with the new hybrid learning has been stressful. I do like the idea of going to school on alternate days, but packing three lessons in one class is a lot for me to handle,” Chelvarajah says.
Chelvarajah further adds on to why she has not been able to settle into the new system yet completely, ”I find it difficult to concentrate in class for a long period with only a fifteen-minute break because it does not give me enough time to get energized for the next few lessons.”
It is evident that many students may find it challenging to settle into the new system as everyone learns differently, and it does take time to settle into a new normal. Nonetheless, it is equally important always to be open to new opportunities.
Whether students like the current system or not, it is evident that the school has tried its best. Being able to attend school daily, whether online or in person, is something to be grateful for. Though it may not be the same as before, there are always ways to make the best of every situation. To maintain a safe environment for all staff and students, it is encouraged to continue following the proper precautions and guidelines set out by Toronto Public Health.